Biographical Sketch of Dr. Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori, the first woman M.D. in Italy, was one of the great pioneers in the study of child development. Upon graduation from Rome University Medical School in 1896, she worked with mentally deficient children, which reflected not only compassion, but also a rigorous scientific ability. She became a lecturer at Rome University and set down the foundation of scientific pedagogy in Italy.
In 1905, Dr. Montessori began her innovative approach with a group of children in the slum area of San Lorenzo in Rome. Within a year, her accomplishments with these children earned worldwide acclaim and became a landmark in the education of young children. She wrote 25 books on the various aspects of her theory and practice, and formulated her approach for elementary children in 1912.
Century House Montessori School BVI adheres to the original precepts of Dr. Montessori’s principles of Education.
The philosophical foundation of the Montessori approach is based on the premise that education should be an aid to life. In order to develop their physical, intellectual and spiritual powers to the fullest, children must have freedom – a freedom to be achieved through order and self-discipline. Respect for a child’s personality and trust in the inner potentialities are prerequisite to the foundation of an adequate educational alliance.
“If help and salvation are to come, they can only come from the children, for the children are the makers of men.”