It is the final term of the school year and we are amazed how resilient our trees and plants have been . We are enjoying our Botany lessons and our gardening . The students have done a wonderful job taking care of their herbs and plants . We are very excited to observe how quickly our lettuce, carrots, beans and squash are growing .
Wow ! Everything is growing so fast .
You should smell this basil . Incredible!
Our thyme is doing well .
Lovely lesson on tap roots and fibrous roots .
Stems can grow above the ground and below the ground .
We love our roses ! Thank you Alejandro!
Our flower garden is thriving again .
The butterflies and the bees are back .
A very popular flower with our students . The red hibiscus is bringing so much joy to us . We are waiting for the yellow to bloom.
The students love sketching the plants in their classroom.
Ella’s lovely watercolour.